a question and answer forum.....for the time being. All things change and become something else if there is growth even Olde Baggs.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

I don't want to lose you............

so please either sign up on the follow by email on my sidebar or get your entire list of blogs that you follow to Bloglovin or some other blog reader. I don't know why Blogger is making our bloggy lives a little more complicated but then I'm not on the advisory committee now am I?
where the olde crone's play house and have tea.
I just don't want to not share the fun, the ridiculous, the real life things that I share here on Ye Olde Crone's Gazette.

Monday morning you will no longer get your list of published blogs that you read on Blogger......the reader is going away.

xoxo Oma Linda


  1. I just signed up to follow you on e-mail, if I did it correctly.

  2. Been following you on bloglovin!!

  3. I signed up for your email, but in the meantime joined both Feedly and bloglovin. I'm not going to take any chances on losing any of my friends.

  4. I will be here ;o) Big Hugs ;o) xoxoxo

  5. what?! It's Monday and my reader is still here. I haven't heard anything about this from anyone else but I have you on my blog page.

  6. OK, never mind. google reader, not the dashboard. didn't use google reader anyway.

  7. you will never loose me my dearest Oma Linda!

  8. Google reader has always given me a bit of a headache, so I have you right on my sidebar. I don't wan to lose you, or the under the table frolicking ;-)


You are always welcome to comment on my thoughts and I love them all......