a question and answer forum.....for the time being. All things change and become something else if there is growth even Olde Baggs.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hello Sweeties.........and Awwww Sunday lovers....

Before you all go oh no, she's not gonna finish the story, or worse yet, oh not she put out the campfire and drove the caravan away without us.........calm yourselves. Cybella and Genevieve will rejoin you in a few days. That's a pinkie swear promise.

I just felt that I needed to let you know what "really" was happening around the Casa.

This has been the busiest couple of weeks we have had for a very long time. Lots of doings as they say. I would imagine that everyone out there who has kiddos can relate. The end of the school year always brings field trips and events. But for us it has been more us things as well.  We are trying to finish the backporch redo before the heat is really upon us and we keep getting side tracked with other stuff.

But there have been some lovely pressies to arrive and surpirses and delight and I thought I would share some of those.

One of which I didn't photograph (before I used it) was a thoughtful present from EmKat who read my lament of needing the sea and sent me a magick spell kit to bring the sea to me which included some ocean water even. She has so many wonderful things to ponder. Stop by for a lookie. Thank you for your kindess.

And from my birthday, a lovely little spectre with a heart of great love from Donna at SoDarkSoCute. She is adorable and welcome.
The lovely witch painting I won at Sunshineshelle's giveaway. Who is just the bestest little witch and familiar in my collection.
The other bouquet of roses from the grands. Ry said he like them best because they had green flowers.....like in OZ. He is such a dear one and remembers all. Kinda our very own personal recorder of specialness.
This is our faerie banner for the front door which I meant to post for you to see at Beltane but I was lost out back in the porch, painting red mushrooms and making porch swing cushions.
first time I've used a transparency film with fabric to have an illuminated look, it was fun
And last a photo of a pretty that I am sure is just today being delivered to Danni at The Whimsical Cottage. This is an example of how I have been spending my time lately, that and Pinterest. Collaging fabrics, vintage lace, crochet, buttons, etc with rubber stamps, crayons, makers and thread. Fun stuff.

The travellers tales will resume on Friday. Smooches and squoozes, Oma Linda


  1. I LOVE ALL THE PHOTOS!!! Each and EVERY one!! And green Flowers from the Emerald City-You are VERY SPECIAL INDEED!!
    And what a talented Oma you are as well!! Beautiful creations...isn't Pinterest GRAND!!!

  2. Such a dark, lovely ray of witchy sunshine! And Ry's input makes everything lovelier ;-)

  3. What special treasures ;o) I love all the photos ;o) Ry is fantastic! What a darling ;o) I love everything you created Oma Linda ;o) You are a talented young lady ;o) Hugs ;o)

  4. Green roses from Oz are the best kind of roses. Love the photos of all the wonderful stuff. ;o}


You are always welcome to comment on my thoughts and I love them all......